About Us
Hope Haven Transition House provides confidential, safe emergency shelter to women, with and without children, who are experiencing violence / abuse. Our fully accessible facility has the capacity to house 9 residents, with extra capacity if necessary (women and children), for a six-week period. We are equipped with a kitchen, living room, quiet room, teen room, play room, laundry room and computer inlet. All daily necessities are provided. We provide a 24 hours crisis line and staff our shelter 24 hours a day. We also provide referral services, educational resources lay counselling, follow up care and community awareness programs.
The Administrative office provides direct contact with resources in the community, as well as information and referral services and support to women experiencing any form of abuse. We will also provide transportation to the shelter, from any of the three communities we service. These are Labrador City, Wabush and Churchill Falls.
Every individual has the right to live without the fear of violence and communities have the obligation be aware of issues, which have a direct effect on family violence. Hope Haven would like to acknowledge that an aware community is a strong community with healthy families. Family violence has serious, long-lasting results on the survivor, the children, the abuser and the community. The community can help end family violence by not accepting it as a ‘private’ matter and coming to recognize that it is a crime. The second thing our community can do is to learn about the many types of abuse that exist and talk about them with others in the community. Family violence hurts women and children from the wealthy to the poverty stricken and continues because of myths and beliefs that a person has the ‘right’ to control another person.